Everything You’d Ever Want to Know About Me (& then some)

  1. I shop mostly at Abercrombie & Fitch, Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters.
  2. My favorite animal is the Ring-Tailed Lemur.
  3. I am such a neat freak that it’s almost scary.
  4. I usually don’t go to bed until about 4 a.m.
  5. I’m EXTREMELY terrified of bees (or anything that can fly + sting).
  6. I have a Savannah cat named Kabuki, or “Buki” for short.
  7. I enjoy sleeping diagonally across my entire queen-sized mattress.
  8. I’m a master at all things Pokémon.
  9. I often like listening to the same song at least 20 consecutive times.
  10. I’m venephobic, and people NEVER take me seriously.
  11. My favorite video games include Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon and Katamari.
  12. I would describe my current style as romantic, vintage-inspired and mis-matchy.
  13. I have an unhealthy obsession with candy.
  14. I got my first job at 15, working at an ice cream shop.
  15. My idol is Walter Elias Disney.
  16. I tend to use very strange, animated-like voices in my everyday speech.
  17. I have a burn scar on my right arm from working at Steak ‘n Shake.
  18. I’ve had surgery once, definitely one of the top 10 scariest things of my life.
  19. I had a mad crush on Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks when I was little.
  20. I’ve had at least 500 people ask me if I’m Asian. I’m not.
  21. I love taking scorching hot baths.
  22. I enjoy terrible movies.
  23. If I’m in the middle of working on something important- I typically won’t eat, sleep, shower or take part in any leisurely activity until it is complete.
  24. I enjoy arranging all of my belongings as if they were on display at a store.
  25. I can’t stand when people are on their cellphones 24/7.
  26. One time, I laughed so hard that I pee’d my pants at school (and it wasn’t elementary school).
  27. I hate onions.
  28. My nails are NEVER unpainted.
  29. I have re-occuring nightmares about being paralyzed.
  30. I’ve had braces. Twice.
  31. I really don’t have much faith in mankind. I blame this mostly on the fact that I worked in retail for six years.
  32. My favorite shows include True Blood, Dexter and FRIENDS.
  33. I’m a sucker for anime hotties (I’m dead serious, they are hotter than real-life guys by a long-shot!).
  34. I’m a VERY independent person.
  35. I don’t believe in taking medication… I just tough it out 99% of the time. I want a super-human immune system.
  36. I’m extremely nostalgic.
  37. I sometimes struggle with balancing who I am and who people want me to be.
  38. I like my steak medium-rare.
  39. I’m half conservative and half liberal… it’s very frustrating.
  40. I’m the biggest perfectionist you will ever meet… many who know me on a super personal level think it could be a disorder.
  41. My hair has been dyed every single hair color.
  42. I try to remind myself daily not to be too judgmental. Especially since so many people I don’t even know judge me so harshly.
  43. When I’m 70, I want to spend my remaining years on a yacht traveling the world.
  44. My favorite books include Flowers in the Attic, Hamlet and Velocity.
  45. In high school I had to eat lunch with my teachers since I had very few real friends.
  46. I would love to have a small stuffed animal of every single Pokémon on my bed.
  47. I have seriously watched SuperBad at least 20 times.
  48. I am one of the VERY few people who found every single item on Beautiful Katamari. It took me about 50 hours. Totally worth it.
  49. I’ve only been in one small car accident, when I was 17 (and it was between myself and a fence).
  50. I love mint chip ice cream.
  51. I’m constantly thinking of ways that I can improve what I do.
  52. My favorite music artists include Sleeping With Sirens, Michael Buble and Britney Spears.
  53. I’ve come to the realization that the only way I will succeed in life is if I can be my own boss.
  54. My boyfriend is the best friend that a girl could ever ask for.
  55. I took Japanese in college and got an 105% (however… I’m still trying to teach myself).
  56. I love special effects makeup.
  57. I hate grudges. I’m almost always willing to forgive.
  58. My hair grows ungodly fast.
  59. I over-analyze everything.
  60. Even though I love ballet and have been a ballerina for many years of my life… I’ve never seen a real ballet. It’s been on my bucketlist since I was about 5.
  61. I’m not the greatest cook, but I’d really like to be!
  62. I have a girl-crush on Mila Kunis.
  63. When it comes to big commitments and projects- I rarely finish what I start; it’s my biggest weakness.
  64. My college job was working as a Hooter’s Girl.
  65. I’ve never broken a bone, or had any serious injury.
  66. I always play it safe when I order food… even though I try to convince myself otherwise every single time.
  67. I have to increase/decrease the volume of things in even numbers.
  68. I love MAC, Benefit and Urban Decay makeup.
  69. I make lists for everything.
  70. My favorite animes include Death Note, Ouran High School Host Club and Dragon Ball.
  71. One of my favorite things to do is just drive around listening to music.
  72. I love dressing up in full costume.
  73. I typically spend 40% of my day on the computer.
  74. I often have trouble pronouncing “a’s” and “o’s” correctly… I blame my Mother and her country roots.
  75. I love drenching myself in perfume.
  76. I can play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on the guitar.
  77. I hate flying (well, it’s more like I hate sitting still for over 3+ hours).
  78. I wish I could be a karate master, complete with synchronized tumbling moves.
  79. I’ve never had the Chicken Pox.
  80. I can’t leave things like paper towels and toilet paper ripped unevenly.
  81. I love cuddling up to my cat and falling asleep with her in my arms.
  82. I think gossip is disgusting.
  83. I get WAY too into the Christmas spirit.
  84. I consider myself to be quite creative.
  85. It takes me a really long time to truly open up to people; especially boyfriends.
  86. I have no piercings or tattoos.
  87. I’m quite the hermit crab.
  88. My first concert was *NSYNC.
  89. Buying stuff gives me WAY too much satisfaction, and that scares me.
  90. I have an unconditional love for all animals.
  91. I could sit by a fire for every remaining night of my life.
  92. I have many compulsive habits.
  93. I am constantly talking to myself in my head, a mile a minute.
  94. I’m a fairly pessimistic person.
  95. I am one of the most non-confrontational people you will ever meet; I would much rather experience discomfort than cause confrontation.
  96. I tear up at movies. A LOT.
  97. I think the world would be a better place if someone had a Death Note.
  98. I’m pretty good at sketching things out.
  99. My nose has to be booger-free at all times or it drives me insane (in otherwords, I pick my nose a lot).
  100. I almost died when I was six. I choked on a dum-dum lollipop.

31 responses

  1. I must say, I am not feeling the shoes you picked to go with the outfit. The rest of the outfit is so dainty and then you have HUGE CHUNKY SHOES… blah.

    July 26, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    • I actually really like the chunky shoes. It just adds an unexpected twist to the outfit.

      July 26, 2011 at 1:13 PM

  2. Wow! I have to agree with you on the whole ‘anime-guys-are-hotter’ thing! Plus it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who cries at the movies… And yes, nails must be painted.

    July 26, 2011 at 10:46 AM

  3. brittanyluvsjello

    Wow you do a lot of weird little stuff like me haha(:
    that part where you said your bf was your best friend a girl could ever have was reaaallllyyyy cute<3

    July 26, 2011 at 10:46 AM

  4. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! Love ya!

    July 26, 2011 at 10:48 AM

  5. its crazy how many of these I would answer exactly the same: 3, 9, 24, 40, 41, 51, 54, 59, 61, 66, 67 (except in multiples of 5), 69, (LITERALLY everything!), 73, 75, 80, 82, 84, 89, 92…=D

    July 26, 2011 at 10:55 AM

  6. Wow you exactly like me, so many of the things you said I do as well! For example…

    5. “I’m EXTREMELY terrified of bees (or anything that can fly + sting).” I will run the fff away if one flies near me, seriously.

    7. “I enjoy sleeping diagonally across my entire queen-sized mattress.” all the time.

    10. “I’m venephobic, and people NEVER take me seriously.” I thought I was the only one, I can’t even look at them for 2 seconds ewww…

    21. “I love taking scorching hot baths.” me too <3

    38. "I like my steak medium-rare." mmmm steak

    44. "My favorite books include Flowers in the Attic, Hamlet and Velocity." Hamlet is my absolute favorite!!

    59. "I over-analyze everything." Ask any of my friends, I do it all the time. Again, I thought I was the only one that did this.

    94. "I’m a fairly pessimistic person." same all day.

    96. "I tear up at movies. A LOT." mhm ;;

    July 26, 2011 at 10:59 AM

  7. I’m about 90%
    the same but not on organization or working at hooters so ya know :)

    July 26, 2011 at 11:00 AM

  8. you said you rarely finish what you start but before you said, you dont drink,eat or shower till you finish something ?

    July 26, 2011 at 11:07 AM

    • You’re misreading what she’s saying. When working on something important she doesn’t drink, eat or shower until she’s done. And when it comes to big projects she rarely finishes. A big project doesn’t necessarily have to be important. But if she did have a big project that WAS important she’d get it done right away. Are you understanding now?

      July 26, 2011 at 3:41 PM

  9. haha, i love that u like pokemon and anime stuff :) i used to be waaay obsessed with hot anime guys haha. and i never take medication either, u and my mom must be on the same page or something. i cant believe u didnt have many friends, you are so cool and pretty, they missed out :)

    thanks for sharing <3

    July 26, 2011 at 11:10 AM

  10. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that picks my nose! I hate the feeling of boogers in there!

    July 26, 2011 at 11:17 AM

  11. msdellaroo

    I love your outfit! Goodness it’s so romantic! I love these get to know you things. I am a perfectionistic as well it is awful … But I deal.

    July 26, 2011 at 11:22 AM

  12. nerdifierful

    Every thing is practically the same for me…. except I almost died from almost drowning :/
    But, number 97 LOL. It’s so true!
    Literally though, when I read you play Kingdom Hearts, and you’ve seen Ouran and Death Note, I almost had a heart attack :3

    July 26, 2011 at 11:27 AM

  13. Love all the fact about you. You really seem to be an amazing person.

    you should definitely check out the anime Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o shitteiru (Betrayel knows my name). There are some hot guys, especially Zess/Luka.

    By the way, Hamlet is my favorite book too. I’ve read it at least 3 times in english and french.

    July 26, 2011 at 11:33 AM

  14. Oh my goodness i totally agree with about 90% of these my friends always think im so weird but now i know im not the only one! I wish i had a friend or a big sister that was like you we would get along so good!

    July 26, 2011 at 11:42 AM

  15. This was very fun to read! I totally agree with you about the paper/toilet paper ripping unevenly… I always scream at my family when they don’t use the preforated (or however you spell it) edges. I mean, they’re there for a reason, right? And I hate it when bathrooms don’t have those types of toilet paper, like my school bathroom. Bugs me so much! X)

    July 26, 2011 at 12:11 PM

  16. arent 23 and 63 contradictive? thanks for sharing all of this :))

    July 26, 2011 at 12:41 PM

  17. oh and btw I looove your outfit on this pic

    July 26, 2011 at 12:42 PM

  18. thanks for sharing all of this with us. I’m the same as you for about 85% of these facts and traits. I’m a little worried that you haven’t had chicken pox though, getting it as an adult can be life threatening.

    July 26, 2011 at 1:02 PM

  19. ouran high school is the best! have you ever watched lucky star or clannad? freaakin hilarious! i loved reading this :]

    July 26, 2011 at 1:33 PM

  20. beautilosophy

    Hey Kalel, where ARE you from? Like, what is your background? I’ve always been curious!

    July 26, 2011 at 2:07 PM

  21. hahaha, I smiled while reading the whole thing :D
    it’s so scary how I have the same likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc.(like 99.9%)
    <3 hot anime guys. totally obsessed lol

    July 26, 2011 at 2:10 PM

  22. We have a lot in common
    and as far I know and as much as I can judge it: Your boyfriend looks a bit like an anime boy ;)

    July 26, 2011 at 3:20 PM

  23. ahahahah omg i LOVE friends too. my parents got the box set awhile ago because they used to watch it and this summer i started it and i fell in love.
    finished the entire series in a few weeks..

    July 26, 2011 at 7:05 PM

  24. nerdifierful

    Oh, by the way.
    You’re beautiful :)!

    July 26, 2011 at 10:38 PM

  25. Kalel, I love your outfit, especially the shoes! Super cute! I did notice one thing however… You said you have an unconditional love for ALL animals. But, you eat them? Just something to think about. I used to consider myself an animal lover and before becoming vegetarian/vegan, its not really true. Those animals raised for food suffer unimaginably. Google “factory farm”. Anyway, just thought I’d throw that thought out there! xoxo. Love your new website!

    July 27, 2011 at 6:28 AM

  26. You’re such a cool girl Kalel and by the way I’m in love with your name. Ive loved superman since I was a little kid so that’s really cool. And I love how people try to say your contradicting yourself by saying you don’t shower,eat,sleep etc. until you get something your working on finished, but on the other hand say you rarely finish big projects. I’m the same way so i totally understand what you mean! But people will always try to look into the person you are and try to find the negatives but don’t change who you are you seem like a great person!

    July 27, 2011 at 7:54 PM

  27. Pingback: 100 Things You May or May Not Want to Know About Me « Aoife's Blog Thingy

  28. I consider Pretty Little Liars outfits to be artsy, and inspiring to their character. However, I don’t think I could wear OVERLY layered pieces like such, in my everyday life. It’s too much. You can’t tell where things are. Curled hair, dresses, high boots, leather jackets, and layered on accessories.. nah. not me.

    July 28, 2011 at 7:36 PM

  29. WOOPSY wrong post tehehe

    July 28, 2011 at 7:37 PM

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